2 Bryant

In 2012, Strada partnered with a family office to acquire 2 Bryant Street, a 53,000-square-foot office building located in the…

2 Bryant

San Francisco, CA
Asset Type
53,500 sqft
Family Office

In 2012, Strada partnered with a family office to acquire 2 Bryant Street, a 53,000-square-foot office building located in the desirable South Beach/Rincon Hill submarket of San Francisco along the Embarcadero waterfront. At acquisition, the property was fully leased with in-place rents well below market, and significant near-term lease roll. Strada believed the building was well-positioned to capitalize on this near-term roll in a market with increasing tenant demand and rental rates. 

Over the next two years, Strada successfully re-leased the expiring space at rates in excess of its proforma underwriting and improved the quality of the tenancy with a large-footprint credit tenant as an anchor. In 2014, Strada's partner elected to acquire Strada's interest in the Property.