Star Harbor Apartments
Star Harbor Apartments

10,000 sqft retail
In 2024, Strada partnered with a public pension fund to acquire Star Harbor Apartments, a 372-unit multifamily development in the waterfront community of Alameda that includes 44 townhomes,10 live-work units and 24 moderate-income housing units. Completed in 2023, Star Harbor is an adaptive re-use of the former Del Monte Cannery and features original exposed brick and timber finishes and water views, differentiating it from other projects in the submarket.
Located in the charming Bay Area submarket of Alameda, the property is in close proximity to top-rated public schools, life science and clean tech clusters, high-quality retail and lifestyle centers and beaches, while still boasting a small-town atmosphere.
Strada intends to invest in an improved amenity offering that includes reimagined roof deck lounges and carefully curated retail space.

Stay In Touch
201 Spear Street, Suite 1650San Francisco, CA 94105 T - 1 415 263 9151 E -