Waters Technology Park
Waters Technology Park

In 2017, Strada and Angelo Gordon & Co acquired an assemblage of adjacent office properties in two separate transactions in San Mateo totaling 165,000 square feet comprised of across 3 buildings on 10 contiguous acres. The Property was purchased at an attractive office basis but yielded its highest-and-best use as a townhome residential redevelopment site.
Strada successfully re-entitled the site for 190 for-sale homes in a mix of single-family detached homes, attached-townhomes, rowhomes, and stacked flats. This project also employed the State Density Bonus and was fully compliant with the City’s Inclusionary Affordable Housing Ordinance delivering 10% affordable units onsite. The project was unanimously approved at both its 2019 Planning Commission and City Council hearings.
During this re-entitlement effort, Strada successfully managed the office project, which helped reduced the acquisition and entitlement basis while providing significant optionality and downside protection. In 2020, Strada sold the Project to a public home builder to complete the vertical development.

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201 Spear Street, Suite 1650San Francisco, CA 94105 T - 1 415 263 9151 E - info@stradasf.com