Samuel Merritt University
Samuel Merritt University

Strada is serving as development manager for Samuel Merritt University (SMU), a 114-year-old health sciences university headquartered in Oakland, CA for their new flagship campus in downtown Oakland. The SMU Oakland project is a state-of-the-art, 265,000-square-foot high-rise building with classrooms, labs, administrative offices and student amenities. When complete, the SMU headquarters building will provide educational and research space for SMU students and faculty and will consolidate all of SMU’s administrative facilities in one location.
On behalf of SMU, Strada is managing the delivery of the core and shell and full interior build-out of the SMU space. The $240M project will be a generational project for the university and downtown Oakland. Construction commenced in May 2023 and is targeting completion by the end of 2025.

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