Waters Technology Park
Waters Technology Park

In 2017, Strada and its partner acquired an assemblage of adjacent office properties in two separate transactions in San Mateo totaling 165,000 square feet across 3 buildings on 10 contiguous acres. The Property was purchased at an attractive office basis. The business plan sought to capitalize on the site's highest-and-best use as a townhome residential redevelopment site.
Strada successfully re-entitled the site for 190 for-sale homes in a mix of single-family detached homes, attached-townhomes, rowhomes and stacked flats. This project also employed the State Density Bonus and was fully compliant with the City’s Inclusionary Affordable Housing Ordinance delivering 10% affordable units onsite.
During the re-entitlement effort, Strada successfully managed the office project, which helped reduce the acquisition and entitlement basis while providing significant optionality and downside protection. In 2020, Strada sold the Project to a public home builder to complete the vertical development.

Stay In Touch
201 Spear Street, Suite 1650San Francisco, CA 94105 T - 1 415 263 9151 E - info@stradasf.com