Zinfandel I & II
Zinfandel I & II

In 2014 Strada acquired 3300 Zinfandel Drive and 10834 International Drive (Zinfandel I & II), two adjacent office buildings in Sacramento’s Rancho Cordova submarket in partnership with a private equity real estate firm. The properties, vacant at the time of acquisition, were purchased from a family trust in an off-market transaction at a price less than a third of replacement cost.
Over the course of the next year, Strada executed a targeted capital project to renovate the buildings and re-introduce them to the Sacramento market, which had a limited supply of available space greater than 100,000 sqft. In 2015, Strada signed a 10-year lease with Blue Shield for full occupancy of both buildings, and then sold the buildings to a core buyer in 2016.

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201 Spear Street, Suite 1650San Francisco, CA 94105 T - 1 415 263 9151 E - info@stradasf.com